Αλλαγή τοπικών ρυθμίσεων στα Windows (αρχεία CSV)
Windows 7
- Close the Excel application
- Click on the Windows/Start button
- Select Control Panel
- Select Region and Language
- Click on Formats Tab
- Click on Additional Settings
- Locate the List separator
- Change the Decimal separator from a full stop (.) to a comma (,)
- Then click on Apply then Ok
- Under the Formats Tab click on Apply then Ok
- Test the Excel import again
NB: If it does not work, try rebooting the machine, and test again.
Windows 8/10
To change regional settings,
- go to Start > Control Panel > Regional and Language Options | Windows 10 (Start >type Control Panel and press enter > Region)
- Click Additional Settings
- For Decimal Symbol, enter a dot:
- For List Separator, enter a comma:
Now, when you open a CSV file in Excel it will automatically find the data fields and open it appropriately.